Thinking Of Doing An Online Yin Teacher Training? A Training Review From Liv

A Online Yin Teacher Training Review

Yin Yoga Online Training Review with Liv 

During December 2020 I did an online course in Yin yoga teacher training. The course was a 30hr teacher training and was broken down into bite sized modules. 

I would never normally choose to take a training online because I prefer to learn in person. I am a creative person and learn best when I am fully immersed in an experience. However, with the ongoing pandemic, training online is the safest and sometimes only option for the time being. I am just so eager to learn more about the different styles of yoga that I love to practice myself and how to bring them into my own teaching.

What I Loved About Doing An Online Course

I absolutely loved being able to do this training within my own time frame. I didn't feel pressured to finish within a certain date. I was also able to go away, read more into the separate modules and fully condense the information before I moved on to the next section of the training. This is something which I think is super important if you do decide to train online. Go away and read further as you won't get those all important conversations and interactions with other students.

There was lots of room for personal practice and teaching practice throughout the course which is so important to be able to feel and move within your learning. We were prompted to journal and reflect on our experiences throughout which was really beneficial for learning and I also have lots of notes to be able to go back to at any time. The course modules are in an online platform which can be accessed at any time with a posture library, breakdown of the teaching for each posture and short practices.

There was a lot of emphasis on building your own personal teaching style which I feel is so important. I had the opportunity to re address what my core message is within my own teaching and why I chose to become a teacher in the first place. 

A Few Things That I Struggled With An Online Course

The few things which I struggled with was not having the person to person interaction. If I were to do online training again I would choose a course which had some live lectures as opposed to all being pre-recorded content. Just so that I would be able to ask questions and debate with others learning alongside me as I love to chat things through to broaden the experience and journey, I love to hear other people's opinions and share experiences (something which I loved about my 200hr TT). 

However I think that learning in new ways is also a great way to test yourself. I was able to do this training on my own, in my own time and I loved every second of it! I cannot wait to start teaching this style of yoga and adapt what I have learnt to my own teaching style. As a teacher I feel that it is so important to be constantly learning and pushing my own practice so that I can offer my very best to my students. Hope to see you all for a yin practice very soon!

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