The Best Yoga and Mindfulness Books You Can Buy
For those of you who want to take your yoga practice to the next level, a little extra knowledge goes a long way. One of the best ways to expand your understanding of yoga is through reading books dedicated to the subject. We have our favourites and wanted to share them with you to give you the most rounded and thought-provoking dive into yoga, mindfulness and pranayama to advance you in your practice. Both yoga teachers and practitioners will find these books extremely beneficial, we are all students here!
Light On Yoga - B.K.S Iyengar
Iyengar has been credited as the world's most respected yoga teacher and is considered to be the person who brought yoga to the western world. First published in 1966, this book has become a staple in the homes of many yogis and has become the ultimate reference manual of yoga practice. This book is a journey that will be transformational in your life if you let it, enriching you both on and beyond the mat.
Extract: "It is only through the mirror of yoga that the whole of man reflects to know himself. No other science offers this matured wisdom."
Yoga: a Manual for Life - Naomi Annand
If you are looking for the ultimate all rounder yoga manual we would highly recommend this book. Packed full of useful pointers that advance both your journey on the mat but also your personal journey of life. This book teaches you how to implement the ancient practice and knowlege of yoga into everyday life so that you can thrive in the modern world. Filled with imaginative sequences, your yoga practice just got a whole lot more exciting. This manual is suitable for complete beginners and more experienced yogis.
Extract: "Embracing complexity and the full range of the human experience is essential to yoga, from the way you live your life down to the way you place your mat."
Fierce Medicine - Ana Forrest
Written by the Founder of Forrest Yoga this book is part wisdom, part memoir and an incredibly profound read. Ana's focus is on healing the body and mind through reconnecting with our bodies, cultivating balance, and starting to live harmony with our Spirits. Both a powerful teaching tool for yoga teachers and a wonderful aid for students alike. Prepare to be moved and transformed.
Extract: "It takes a lot of courage to explore your fear. Courage isn't the numbed-out, flinty, Clint Eastwood - esque stoicism we're accustomed to, but instead it's daring to experience our feelings - even if this requires painful awakening - with discernment and intelligence."
The Little Book Of Mindfulness - Dr Patrizia Collard

If you're looking for a beautiful little (it really is little) book for developing your mindfulness then this book is the perfect portable book of wisdom! Ideal for keeping in your bag and pulling out when you need a little guidance! Mindfulness and yoga go hand in hand so for both your personal practice and in teachings, practicing mindfulness will really grow your practice into something beautiful.
Extract: "Living moment by moment, and seeing everything afresh without judgement and worry lets us expereince life trather than simply get through it."
Becoming Beautiful - Becca Lee
Becoming beautiful is a tale of breaking, bleeding, growing, forgiving and discovering self-love. This book of poems is raw and encourages you to shed all that does not serve you, it inspires you to look to where your true beauty lies and let it blossom into the world. Perfect for deepening your yoga journey and understanding of who you are but also incredibly powerful, moving tools to start or end a yoga practice with.
Extract: "I am building a house that is more than four walls. It will be a palace of love, a chapel of forgiveness and a temple of respect. It will be a masterpiece of fractured grace and a tribute to humble beginnings. I am building a home within this body. I am building me."
What book do you want to incorporate into your practice? Let us know in the comments!
By: Katrina Scales
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